If you have not already, I’d like to invite you to connect with me on LinkedIn. Aldric Tinker Toyad: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aldrictinkertoyad/ Advert Writer: https://www.linkedin.com/company/advertwriter/ On LinkedIn, you will find content published daily. I’d also share other opportunities from my connections and network. Regards, Aldric
Tag: Advert Writer
Contractor vs Consultant: Which one are you?
Are you a contractor? Or a consultant? Are you engaging the former or the latter? What’s the difference between the two? Are there overlaps? Check out William McKnight’s ’90 Days to Success in Consulting’ for more information. ALDRIC TINKER TOYAD is the Copywriter & Content Strategist behind Advert Writer. Advert Writer helps small businesses and…
How Aggressive is Your Communications Department?
Your Corporate Communications Department manages your company’s reputation. They are the first point of contact for external parties who are not your customers. This includes the media, NGOs, and more. In times of crisis, the Comms Department prep your spokesperson what to say and how to deflect issues. Besides that, they work strategically to improve…
How involved are Consumers in the Purchasing Decision?
How involved are your target audience in the buying decision? The more time, energy, and consideration involved, the more materials they need to feel assured. It also means there are plenty of opportunities to educate them – or be intercepted by competition. What are the two categories of buyers you should be aware of? Watch…
What are your Messages for the Year?
In an ideal and linear world, we can craft and schedule messages, narratives, and communication as inspiration hits us. Alas, we live, work, and operate in a complex and dynamic world where communication is almost constant. Our target audience may become sensitised to what we have to say or are not clear of what we’re…
Let’s Connect on LinkedIn
Happy New Year! If you have not already, I’d like to invite you to connect with me on LinkedIn. Aldric Tinker Toyad: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aldrictinkertoyad/ Advert Writer: https://www.linkedin.com/company/advertwriter/ On LinkedIn, you will find content published daily. I’d also share other opportunities from my connections and network. Regards, Aldric